“Our high quality paint will protect your investment for years.”
How lucky are we to live on Bonaire?! Where you can decide on the color of your house yourself. And that is exactly the only thing you will have to do. We take care of all the rest: planning, oraganization, the necessary preparations and a perfect, clean paint job.
Your house may be old or new, big or small. with windows, shutters or panels. A porch, a wall or a fence. Beautiful no doubt, however the color of the property really defines the appearance of your home. The color is what makes it a whole.
However... good painting is so much more than appearance. Because first and foremost, it is meant for protection so your investment will keep its value. A good paint job can even increase the value of a property. Apart from plaster we also paint wood, metals and corrugated sheets.
Apart from paint jobs, BSC also specializes in wall papering, glass work and construction. We're a versatile company and guarantee you that we'll never just paint over any possible damages in your house. We will always first solve any issues. We're definitely no ephemeras; we take responsibility for our projects on the long term.
You can also ask us for our help on fire and water damage or an ozone treatment. And so much more... Tell us your needs and together we'll decide how we can be of service..
We are specialized in planned long term maintenance in which we take care of any possible constructional problems as well. This means that we feel responsible for your property on the long term and that we can give you a guarantee that incidental painters or construction companies can't.
We handle both small as well as big jobs for both private and commercial clients. We take care of many of the Bonairean resorts and work on several development projects.
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